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The Complete Pose of Surya Namaskar for weight loss with 12 asanas

In Hindu mythology, the sun god is worshiped as the source of all life on earth. Everything we eat, breathe and drink has the sun's element in it. Life on earth will not be possible without the sun. Surya Namaskar in ancient ways paid tribute to the sun which is the source of all energy on earth.

Apart from the mythological importance, Surya Namaskar is practiced because it is a whole body exercise. Surya Namaskar not only stretches your body but also works on your cardiovascular system along with improving blood circulation. Surya Namaskar is something between warming up and proper training. So, stretch your body to get rid of stiffness before you start doing asanas. If you do this asana in front of the sun, it is even better for your health.

Called Salam Matahari in English, doing 12 sets of Surya Namaskar is the same as doing 288 yoga poses. Surya Namaskar if done at a fast pace is a good exercise for your cardiovascular system, and when done slowly, it relaxes the muscles and is a form of mediation.

The regular exercise of Surya Namaskar gives your body some very healthy benefits. This is an exercise for your entire body starting from the toe to your head. By increasing blood circulation, these yoga poses regulate bowel movements along with improving the functioning of the nervous system and stomach. Our body consists of three things, namely kapha, pitta, and vata, and the regular practice of Surya Namaskar balancing the three. This imbalance can cause problems for your body.

There are many variations of Surya Namaskar but following one type and practicing every day shows better results. Now we bring to you a complete guide of all 12 Surya Namaskar poses in detail:

These are the 12 mantras for the 12 sets that are usually practiced.

Om Mitraya Namah
Om Ravaye Namah
Om Suryaya Namah
Om Bhanave Namah
Om Khagaya Namah
Om Poosne Namah
Om Hiranyagarbhaya Namah
Om Marichaya Namah
Om Adityaya Namah
Om Savitre Namah
Om Arkaya Namah
Om Bhaskaraya Namah

. Asana 1

Pranamasana (pose of prayer)

Stand on the front side of the mattress. Stand straight on both of your legs, stretch your shoulders, with your hands aside and relax. Now inhale and lift your hands together and bring them in the name of the mudra when you exhale.

. Asana 2

Hastauttanasana (Pose lifting arms)

Now, from the prayer pose, raise your hand and step back. In this asana, you have to stretch your body from the toes to your fingertips. While stretching, do not just lean back, be sure to stretch yourself. And as you stretch, your biceps should be close to your ears.

.  Asana 3

Hastapadasana (Hand to foot pose)

Arms raised, now lean to your waist and try to touch the ground with both palms. Your back should be standing up. If you are a beginner, you can bend your knees to keep your palms on the ground. Try to straighten your knees and touch your head with your knees. Doing this will take regular practice. In this position, try to keep your palm in the same position and not move them.

. Asana 4

Ashwa sanchalanasana (Equestrian Pose
Now, inhale, push your left leg as far as you can. Your right knee should be between your palms. Your left knee should touch the ground with your foot bent. Look up and stay in position. Now, straighten your foot by balancing it on the floor with your toes. Do not be discouraged.

. Asana 5

Dandasna (stick pose)
Bring your right leg back and balance the upper body between your palms. Your body should be straight like a stick. Your toes should be on the carpet. Make sure your arms are perpendicular to the ground.

. Asana 6

Ashtanaga namaskar (salutation with eight parts of the body)

Now, gently put your knees on the floor, push your hips back and slide forward, rest your chin and chest on the floor. Stay in this posture. Now, your eight body parts that are at the same time palms, feet, knees, chest and chin touch the ground. This is called the eight-point salutation of the body (Ashtanga namaskar).

. Asana 7

Bhujangasna (Cobra Asana)

Since the last position, now lift your chest by sliding forward. Make sure your hands are folded and you look up at the ceiling. Your body half is in the air and rests on the ground.

. Asana 8

Adho mukh savana (Downward facing down)

From the cobra pose, now lift your waist and your hips by keeping your hands and legs on the ground. Your body must form an "inverted V shape". Keeping your hands in the same position, move your feet forward and dive deeper into the pose.

. Asana 9

Ashwa sanchalanasana (Equestrian Pose)

Now, return to the equestrian pose, number 4 of the asana, but this time with your right leg. From the dog's down position, bend down and bring your left leg between your palms. Your right leg should be stretched and your right knee should touch the ground. Your left leg should be perpendicular to the ground. Your hand should be straight with the palms at one spot on the floor. Now look, then bend the right toe under.

. Asana 10

Hastapadasana (Hand to foot pose)

Now back to Equestrian Pose, asana number 4, but this time with your right foot. From the dog's position down, bend and bring your left foot forward between your palms. Your right foot must be straight with your right knee touching the floor. Your left foot must be perpendicular to the floor. Your hands must be straight with your palms in one place on the floor. Now look up and click the right foot finger below.

. Asana 11

Hastauttanasana (Raised arms pose)

Now get up and keep your body straight and stretch your body from your toes to your fingertips. When stretching don't just bend backwards, make sure you stretch correctly. When stretching, your biceps must be close to your ears.

. Asana 12


When you exhale, lower both hands to the side and relax.

As we have mentioned, this is not only an asana, but an entire body exercise consisting of 288 asanas. Let's explain how. Surya Namaskar is a traditional place where you can stretch one leg at a time. According to this, we did 12 asanas in one set. So when you do it for both feet, it becomes 12x2. Each Surya Namaskar set has 12 asanas. So, when you repeat it 12 times from both sides, you do 288 poses. What can be better than this when you can do 288 asanas in just 20 minutes.

Calories burn by doing Surya Namaskar

Doing one round of Surya Namaskar burns around 13.90 calories. You can start by doing 5 sets initially and then increasing it to 108 with time.

The amount of calories burned by Surya Namaskar compared to calories burned by another 30 minutes of exercise. Let's see.

Weightlifting = 120 calories

Tennis = 230 calories

Basketball = 266 calories

Beach volleyball = 259 calories

Soccer = 290 calories

Cycling (14-15.9 mph) = 332 calories

Rock climbing = 363 calories

Running (7,5mph) = 411 calories

Surya Namaskar = 416 calories

Surya Namaskar Benefits:

Surya Namaskar has countless benefits, some of which are included

.  Helps to lose weight if done quickly

.  This gives you glowing skin

.  This helps you fight steepness

.  It strengthens joints and muscles

.  It also improves the function of the digestive system

.  Store blood sugar

.  Regulates bowel movements along with regulating the menstrual cycle

.  A great way to detox

.  Improve blood circulation

.  Increase your sexual stamina

.  Maintain tension and anxiety at bay

.  This helps you to stay mentally healthy


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